Social Media and mobiles – what else can we teach?

I read this article from the Sydney Morning Herald: Social media and mobiles require new response to cries for help

As an educator, there has been no shortage in exposure to the potential in the classroom of social media and mobile devices. Benefits range from engagement to real learning, with a genuine boost in depth and breadth. Schools are acknowledging that the youth of today are more connected with their peers and realise that, like it or not, the intersection of social media/mobile devices and education is a reality to contend with.

What struck me about the article is not that teens are using social media/mobile devices to connect and cry for help. That’s a given for me. What struck me as an educator is why recipients of these cries are unable to decode the pleas for help. This leads on to more questions:

  • Is this part of teaching digital literacy?
  • Do recipients think that the ease of distribution afforded us by these technologies somewhat dilute the content as in, there’s someone else there to help – doesn’t have to be me?
  • Can senders use language elements better to help send their message across, be better understood?

These technologies leverage the human need to connect and belong. As educators, we want to harness these to promote learning. Here, then, is another aspect to the educational challenge – what else can we teach about these technologies to help our students be better people, not just better learners?

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5 thoughts on “Social Media and mobiles – what else can we teach?

  1. Megan says:

    This is saddening. I wish these children know where to channel their cries for help. I believe all we need is awareness but this can be really hard to implement. It could also be guilt on the part of those who have read those statuses or messages of people who show signs of suicide. This could also lead to trauma on others. I wish there’s a way to at least address this issue. Maybe these children cling to technology because it is the ‘in’ thing to use.

  2. Promo Items says:

    I honestly don’t think that a child who needs help will use Internet. They’re even probably not allowed to use internet at home or other gadgets too. Any child who needs help should be catched up by adults around the child.

  3. Promo Items says:

    There are a lot of things going on about the social media. It’s not easy to decipher whether the girl or boy is asking for help. There are different communication out there that entails much attention but so far, we can only recognize the human side of it.

  4. Promo Items says:

    It’s crazy how fast the social media is evolving. One day, we will be able to see each other real time in an environment combined by technology. Like a projection of some kind. When this happens, there will be more children in harm’s way. We must be able to find some way to minimize the damage to our children.

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