Images in Blogs

The Edublogs Teacher Challenge Kickstart Activity #5 is about using images in blogs. I actually don’t use this facililty a lot in my edublogs – I do in my craft blog though. I get the power of images and the stories they can tell. Yet, this is actually a bit of a challenge for me here as I’ve obviously not been inspired to use images in my professional teaching and learning blog.

As I’m no expert, I have no tips as such but I can list tips for me using this photo (correction: these photos) of my daughter both as inspiration and metaphor.

  1. Share a captured moment; it doesn’t have to be the best quality photo in terms of clarity, exposure, etc. What activities in the classroom can be shared? Frank Noschese’s blog is full of them making his stories real.
  2. No worries about licensing on personal photos BUT issues about privacy, child protection (you know the drill) are still relevant especially if they are your students (READ: not your kids)
  3. If you must use online photos, educate yourself about copyright matters and make Creative Commons your friend
  4. Focus and nothing extraneous. Don’t put a photo just to have one; it must add to the message you want to convey
  5. When trying something new…just do it but wear a helmet, just in case.
Check this gallery out. I’ve never done one before and here it is. Yay! I’ve just learned something new. This kickstart activity challenge was well worth doing after all.
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12 thoughts on “Images in Blogs

  1. Theresa Allen says:

    I agree that I didn’t realize how important photos were until this blog post. I have tried to add photos to my blog as often as possible, trying not to get faces unless I know the parents have signed permission.
    I read a little about you and I’m glad I got to know you a little better! I’m a tech teacher for an elementary school in Illinois. I love that you like CHANGE – so do I!
    Nice to “meet” you!

  2. Kathryn says:

    Great post, and congrats on using the gallery. Like you I always love learning something new. Had a peak at your craft blog. Fantastic cards, can see you’re a pro. I am an ambling amateur, so much so I have spent 5 weeks on holiday and not made one!

  3. Anne Mirtschin says:

    It is fantastic to read posts like yours, where even though there may not be a lot of personal application and enthausiasm, you have a go and then can find a little excitement. How can we succeed with our reluctant students?
    I am glad you go the photo gallery to work. When you add 6 or more images, it can look really, really good. As to privacy of students and their photos – that is of prime importance. I always encourage people to put up group photos of students (and double check that parents have given permission to allow that). I also agree that it is preferable for the image to be appropriate to the blog post. If it is not, then leave it out. I have many posts that are just text, as again, time is a factor.

  4. Britt Gow says:

    Hi Malyn,
    Thanks for this post and sharing your “tips to yourself”. I do this too, especially before lots more visitors starting coming to my blog. Blogs are great place to reflect on our practise and remind ourselves of useful resources, teaching strategies, tools for learning and other blogs to visit. It is also a great “launching pad” for my students to start exploring the www. Keep up the great work.

  5. Lydia Schultz says:

    My school has parents sign forms where they can specify where and how their children’s images may be used. I just opt for pictures of stuff, and not people to be on the safe side. And you are right to emphasize the importance of giving credit for the images that you do use.

    Thanks for sharing some guidelines. And the reference to the helmet made me think of a song by a group called the Bobs–here’s a link to the Here is the link to my post: lyrics.

  6. Lydia Schultz says:

    Today is just not my day for typing with html. The link I left was NOT to my post, but to the lyrics of a song by a group called the Bobs called “Helmet.” Sorry for “fat fingering” the previous note.

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